Friday, 21 May 2010

And the winner is...

Thanks so much to all who entered my first ever giveaway - to be honest, I was pretty nervous about it, but it's been good fun - your comments all made me smile (Frangipani - I hope you have recovered after your peanut butter in the suitcase disaster) and I now have a whole load of new blogs to add to my ever expanding reading list.

So anyway, I've thought long and hard and visited every blog that was suggested, and have decided that the winner of the Hobo bag is Homo minutus. She suggested True Up which is a fab blog I'd not previously come across dedicated to fabric and it looks as though it's got a particular focus on the vintage/vintage inspired aspect - exactly the kind of blog I love.

Thanks so much to all of you for making my first giveway so much fun!

1 comment:

  1. Hi again!! I cannot believe this, it is such a lovely surprise! I liked your blog and just came back to see what new things you'd posted.

    It was a great idea for a giveaway and I look up quite a few of the sites everyone suggested.

    Thank you!!!!


    p.s. dontusethebrakesATgooglemailDOTcom



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