So much to catch up.. where to start?
First off -
Wood - a very lovely, family friendly festival. I got lots of good feedback about my bags, the weather was great, the other stall holders were super nice and me and my cushion-making compadre, Liv, had a wonderful time playing humbug (hum a tune and the other person has to guess it). We upgraded to "operabug" for a while but started to put off the customers.
So altogether a fab weekend. I forgot to take proper pictures of the stall, but here's a mini-customer enjoying Liv's trunk of cushions.

One short day at home to wash off the mud and brush my hair and then off we went to the Algarve for a week of beach combing, cheese & ham toasties and a beautiful friendship beween Wally the dog and our little monkey.

Back home in Blighty our flowers had enjoyed a week of rain and provided a very nice welcome home party.