As Mr OH was away this weekend, I took the opportunity to stay up later than usual and make a sneaky headstart on my Japanese blouse. I've never taken part in a sew-along before and I have to confess that I've been a bit naughty and skipped ahead to tracing out my pattern which is really a part 3 event. I did follow Kate's advice about sizing though, and as she suggested was likely, I seem to be inbetween sizes - I was more pleased than I should probably admit that I'm a cross between a medium and a large rather than the "LL" that I was certain my no-waist torso would land me in.
Anyway, the plan was that I'd be ever so clever and show off my cunning tip about weighting down the pattern paper with old washers. This is a tip I read about once and it seemed like a very good idea and the kind of thing every dedicated sewer should know. I even smuggled some washers from Mr OH's stash specially for the purpose. Look - here is the picture I took to prove it...

However, the washers I smuggled are far too light, and easy to push aside by accident - leading to much frustration and the reliance on my usual tried and tested method of grabbing whatever is heavy and to hand - mugs of tea, mobile phones, tape dispensers, Freya's shoes. Itoyed with the idea of taking a picture of my shameful ways, but was distracted when the tea got knocked over.
So there, take from that what you will - perhaps the true moral of the story is to drink the tea first and then use the mug. Or get fatter washers. Or use proper weights for the purpose.