Where have I been for the past fortnight?... well, in the meandering lanes of my little mind I have been skipping through the soft-focused meadows and European walled gardens of the mid seventies, resplendent in some rather marvellous and also terrifying knitwear.
I recently acquired two vintage knitting books and have to share some of their highlights and downright mystifying moments ...

First up is the Woolworth Knitting Magazine 1974 Issue 5 which offers "something for everyone whatever the weather", claiming that "no one has been neglected". It's true. I don't think I'll be knitting myself a bikini or bodysuit any time soon, but I'll know where to look if I change my mind.
I will however, be having a go at this scoop neck tank top:

Life is so much fun when you're drunk on ale and highly patterned knitwear.
Here are some ambitious crochet projects - I find myself strangely drawn to the button-up dress on the right (or maybe it's just the man proffering crisps that's doing it for me):

Anyone noticed the pink theme yet? Oh, there's much more...

Have you ever seen a man in salmon crochet look quite so manly and yet... thoughtful... hmmmm.
There are some very cute girl's patterns - the knitted dress on the left is on my to-do list. But, someone needs to undo her poor little friend's collar - she looks like she might keel over at any minute (must...have..air).

This is my favourite pattern - how gorgeous is this smock top?

Okay, are you ready for more? This time it's the Patons Fashion Knits 76 book. Patons wax a bit more lyrical than Woolworth. The fashion story for 1976 is the "straight-to-your-heart" look which involves straighter lines but with a "strong mood for romance." There is some mention of "flying sleeves" and "a sweetening of crochet lace". The soft focus is definitely out in force because apparently "a new gentleness is here, there and everywhere." Lovely. Again, there is a great mix of the 'yes-please' and the 'what-were-they-thinking'.

I think the jumper/hat combo on the front cover look great on the model, but fear it would make me look like a sack of potatoes.. is it worth the risk I wonder?
I love this whole brown and cream ensemble - this is the lady I've spent most time pretending to be - the perfect hair helps. And even though I think she is probably VERY hot in her wool dress and shawl, clutching her wool bag, and no doubt wearing matching wool underwear, I will one day create this dress
and wear it.. I will.

This however, is a dress I will
not be wearing - and not just because I haven't been proposed to yet. You just can't risk a crochet wedding dress with weather like ours - imagine getting rained on in that creation?

This picture troubles me. Yes, they look very much in love in their bobbly his'n'hers cardigans, but something in her expression makes me think this is the moment of realisation that they are actually stuck together like two strips of velcro.

And last, but oh, by no means least... I bring to you.... 'The Homespun Look':

There are no words.