Friday 31 May 2013

Pram dress

I'm a sucker for the natty naming of something otherwise ordinary. Case in point:  "bracelet length" for 3/4 length sleeves, "jewel neckline" for a crew neck. It's just one more reason why I like to retreat to vintage land (not really a land, just my head) when it's all bit grey and blergh out and about.

So, it was very hard to resist the lure of the  "pram dress" label on a vintage baby dress that I spotted on Ebay a few weeks ago. True to it's promise, the pram dress did not dissapoint! In fact, as soon as I tried it on little E, the genius of the term was revealed. Get this... it looks like a dress right, but it's sort of really a top. Perfect for babies that are crawling and sitting as it isn't too long and doesn't get in the way, but still looks all pretty and dress like. Okay, maybe I'm making a bit much of this, but I liked the original so much I decided to make my own version.... here it is... The 60s inspired pram dress!


I think if I make it again, I'll make the neckline lower and narrower at the shoulders - 60s baby dress designers get full marks for their choice of length, but not quite full marks for the extremely high, slightly choking neckline!

Friday 17 May 2013

Knitting bag pattern - the eagle has landed!

Whoop whoop! I am delighted to annouce that the latest Made by Loulabelle pattern is now available in my folksy shop and believe me, it's a good 'un!

Wouldn't you love your own delicious knitting bag to make you feel all organized and clever? Somewhere for your needles to feel at home and safe with their friends instead of stuffed at the bottom of a tote, or stuck in a waste paper basket (okay, so that last one might sound a bit random, but surely I'm not the only one who's been using a  bin for knitting storage... come on, don't leave me hanging!).

So, moving swiftly on.... Here it is, your chance to make your very own knitting bag. I have checked, and double checked and it definitely has more pockets than your hands have fingers. (So, more than 10). Yep, there's pockets for needles, yarn and patterns. It's got loads of room for everything in fact  - probably even the bin you were keeping your knitting in.

Oh, and if you don't feel up to tackling that (admittedly slightly pesky) craft weight interfacing, then you can make a squidgy padded version with eyelets and tape handles instead. Lovely!