Tuesday 24 July 2012

Truck 2012: done and dusted!

Hurrah, the sun finally remembered what it’s supposed to be doing – just in the nick of time. Last week was spent manically stitching while keeping fingers, toes and ears crossed that the rain would stop for Truck Festival... and it worked!

Highlights included: the amazing range of vocal sounds illicited by handmade vintage fabric knickers; witnessing the brilliant sales skills of a 2 yr old daughter (“do you like my mummy’s shop, there are lots of colours...”); meeting our stall neighbour Geoff the Vintage man; and holding a serious sales conversation while wearing a zebra mask on Wild Animal dress up day.

Camping is definitely good for the soul – nothing tastes better than a cuppa in a field or food with grass in it. And as ultimate testament to the restorative powers of fresh air and no showers, Mr Loulabelle has just installed a new outdoor light without either swearing or throwing about of tools!

Made by Zoo-labelle


Wednesday 11 July 2012

Trucking on for Truck Festival

Slowly, slowly, ever so slowly the stock pile for Truck Festival grows. Currently it is accumulating next to our wine rack - this seems fitting somehow.

Monday 9 July 2012

A weekend of wonder

I was just flicking through my phone picture gallery and realised what a busy - slightly surreal, possibly kitsch - weekend we had! Saturday was Oxford's Alice Day, celebrating the 150th anniversary of first telling of Alice's Adventures in Wonderland.  We haven't introduced Freya to Lewis Caroll yet, so we feared she'd be wierded out by Alice related madness. But no, she loved the 10 minute Alice Musical (what's not to like about dancing prawns), went cuckcoo for crafting a Mad Hatters hat, and completely enthralled by story telling from the Storytelling Laureate (it's all about the eyelashes!).

 Sunday was strawberry picking day, vamped up with a little mouse face paint and jazzy green nails.

Then today we watched the Olympic Torch go past - try explaining what that's all about to a toddler! However, I have learnt that in toddler land, no reason is needed for a spot of flag-waving and flame-watching:  it's totally reasonable - in fact, expected - to be standing at the side of a road making whooping sounds at random strangers.

I guess every day is pretty much full of wierd and wonderful stuff when you're 2 and a half and like putting a bandage on every finger.

As for Esther.... well, she just came along for the ride...

Thursday 5 July 2012

When pant patterns go baaad...

Sometimes, my friends, things do not go according to plan and the cute baby knickers you had foolishly cut 4 pairs of without testing the pattern first make your poor innocent child look like they are trapped in a leopard-print potato sack.
Bad pants
So, off we go, back to the drawing board;  ditch McCalls (I'm not letting them near my baby for a while!) and draft a pattern from an old pair of pants you have already. The result? One happy baby!

Good pants

Tuesday 3 July 2012

Oh dear...

Is it wrong that I hung out my washing in rainbow order... and then decided to make my baby the "pot of gold" at the end? This is how I entertain myself these days!!!