Monday 20 June 2011

What do you think?

Right at the very very top of my guilt list, in big bold red letters and with lots of underlining is Updating my Etsy and Folksy Shops. Somehow, something else always comes up which is pretty rubbish as how am I going to sell stuff if it's just sitting at home in my stock cupboard - right?

I'm travelling a lot this week, so no time for listing (again!) but at least I managed to make a start on the photos at the weekend. I've stuck with the usual white back-drop shots, but have also tried something a bit different with some outdoor shots involving a real-life human (well, me!). What do you think - does our shed and concrete yard add anything?!

Friday 17 June 2011


Here's the second of the samples I've been working on for workshops. This time - a cotton bikini. I'm not sure cotton works for swimming, but it definitely does the job for posing!

The bottoms are based on my knicker pattern but with a draw string waist. The tops are based on McCalls M5400 but needed some adaptation for a nonstretch fabric. It took a while, but after a bit of growling and lots of unpicking, I think I cracked it.

Sorry about the rubbish photo - I was so relieved it had finally worked that I couldn't wait to tidy up all the loose threads!

Thursday 16 June 2011

UK Handmade Craft Profile: Soapmaking

This week I've been engaged in the very wholesome world of soapmaking for my latest craft profile on UKHandmade. Am very tempted to give it a go, although need to get over my Fight-Club induced fear of caustic soda first!

Wednesday 15 June 2011


I've been working on some samples for the next workshops at Darn it and Stitch. First up is knickers (27th June), and I have to say that I'm pretty proud of these frilly smalls. I knew exactly what I had in mind, but couldn't find a pattern anywhere - so, I bulk bought a load of knickers from the high street then started hacking! I think the end result has just the right amount of frill, can be easily adapted with ribbons and lace, and they're pretty simple to whip up. I'll definitely be making some for myself and will let you know once the pattern is in my shop.

Monday 13 June 2011

Latest additions to the fabric stash

More vintage fabric has come my way recently and this time, ebay was not involved!

Our local swap shop turned up tops with this funky curtain and groovy towel. I'm keeping the towel for it's original towelly purpose, but no doubt the curtain will make it's way to a bag...

Another fabulous curtain was donated to me at my last farmer's market - perfect for the summer!

Friday 10 June 2011

baby's got some brand new clothes

After the pre-holiday weeks of manic stitching till the small hours while watching back-to-back Mad Men and absorbing the annual recommended allowance for caffeine and chocolate, I thought it was time to do some non-bag related sewing. Little F needed some new frocks, so I made some tweaks to the Leila & Ben sweet little dress pattern and whipped up a couple using bits of fabric I've been saving for a while. I widened the bottom and dropped the front neckline, but otherwise loved this pattern - quick and easy and looks cute on too.

Thursday 9 June 2011

Back to the real world...

So much to catch up.. where to start?

First off - Wood - a very lovely, family friendly festival. I got lots of good feedback about my bags, the weather was great, the other stall holders were super nice and me and my cushion-making compadre, Liv, had a wonderful time playing humbug (hum a tune and the other person has to guess it). We upgraded to "operabug" for a while but started to put off the customers.

So altogether a fab weekend. I forgot to take proper pictures of the stall, but here's a mini-customer enjoying Liv's trunk of cushions.

One short day at home to wash off the mud and brush my hair and then off we went to the Algarve for a week of beach combing, cheese & ham toasties and a beautiful friendship beween Wally the dog and our little monkey.

Back home in Blighty our flowers had enjoyed a week of rain and provided a very nice welcome home party.