Wednesday 18 May 2011

Slightly panicked work in progress

So, this time my excuse for irregular blogging is the sewing frenzy that I have been immersed in for the past few weeks. I'm trying something new and having a stall at a festival - Wood festival, described as the greener, younger and quieter sibling to Truck.

The countdown is nearly... umm... counted down and I now have just 2 nights of sewing left before I can make no more!

Fingers crossed I have enough in stock...

Friday 6 May 2011

Vintage treats from The OK Corral

Today I am in crisis mode. Just like the time I discovered H is for Home, I have spent much of the past hour sitting on my hands in order to stop buying some (maybe even all) of the lovely vintage treats from The OK Corral.

Their website is gorgeous and so is their collection of fabulous vintage and retro finds. I am feeling a bit sick with envy and may even stamp my feet a bit. Here is just a little taster of what they have in stock at the moment...

Thursday 5 May 2011

Summer issue of UKHandmade

The summer issue of UK Handmade Magazine went live earlier this week. This issue is all about cultivating creativity - which definitely floats my boat! There's some really great articles in there, so check it out.

And while you're there, take a look at my interview with the lovely Jo from Darn it and Stitch...

...and my tutorial for creating a fabric covered noticeboard which now resides in pride of place in Freya's room (she's a very organized 18month old!)